Teaching arts to non artists: Universidad Amawtay Wasi´s intercultural experience

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Christian Proaño Pérez


In this article I am going to describe the approach that the Universidad Amawtay Wasi has taken towards the teaching of the arts to non-artists, within the Common Trunk to all careers, as part of our decolonizing pedagogic project. I will discuss the role of arts in managing and sharing corporal knowledge, and the ways in which the teaching of arts fits into an intercultural approach. I will analyze the ways in which interculturality is understood within the indigenous movements and the ways arts are technologies of self-available for us to emancipate from within of the colonial-capitalist unconsciousness. Finally, I will show the topics I cover in the first 4 semesters, plus some examples of work made by students for the readers to analyze.


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How to Cite
Proaño Pérez, C. (2023). Teaching arts to non artists: : Universidad Amawtay Wasi´s intercultural experience. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 8(15), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.26807/cav.v8i15.527
Art Themes


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