The Nameless Lands: In the middle of the lake

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Ana Rosa Valdez Hermida


This article analyzes the interpretation of pieces from Ecuador's pre-Hispanic cultures in an immersive virtual environment created in the Second Life metaverse, which is part of the project called In the middle of the lake, presented at the exhibition “The Nameless Lands” from the MUCE University Museum. The curatorial ideas that support this art proposal are based on the notion of speculative geographies. The curatorial and educational processes of creation and production of this project, carried out in a laboratory with Computer Graphics students from the Central University of Ecuador. The focus corresponds to Game Studies and Cultural Studies of visuality. The essay draws topics such as creativity based on metaverses and video games, the cultural imaginaries of speculative fiction, the imagination of possible futures through the dialogue between visual arts and computer graphics, and the interpretation of the pre-Hispanic past in narrative contexts related to fantasy and science fiction.


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Valdez Hermida, A. R. (2023). The Nameless Lands: : In the middle of the lake. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 9(16), 146–181.
Art Themes


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