Links and divergences amongst art and graphic design: a crossroad

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Malena Andrade


The present essay postulates, as the detonator axis of the whole reflective dissertation, to establish links and bifurcations between art and design. We begin by trying to establish a definition of what is understood by art, then a definition of graphic design and finally a section on how these two disciplines of human knowledge are connected, how far they are aided and the spaces that delimit and make them "the same and the other," without showing them antagonistic or as usurpers of their boundaries, far from this idea, we assure that they communicate, and become brothers and then disarticulate and recover their hegemony in this way, giving the opportunity for reflections such as which are presented below.

Key words: art, design, links, communication, borders.


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How to Cite
Andrade, M. (2017). Links and divergences amongst art and graphic design: a crossroad . Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, (04), 119–125.
Art Themes
Author Biography

Malena Andrade

Doctora en Ciencias Humanas (ULA). Magister en Literatura Iberoamericana (ULA). Licenciada en Educación (ULA).Licenciada en Letras (ULA). Profesora de la Universidad de Los Andes (ULA Venezuela) de la Facultad de Arte. Profesora de la Maestría en Educación, mención Informática y Diseño Instruccional (ULA). Docente invitada del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación (UPEL). Investigadora PEII Nivel B del MPPEUCT.


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