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Pamela Corrales


Dommun Exhibition provides a sharp perspective on contemporary photography in relation to the human connection with space. Divided into three chapters:

In "Inmueble," it examines the temporal and spatial constraints of photography as an index, requiring additional elements to convey the original intention.

"Varianza" questions the role of photography in the photographic process, generating final images through statistical calculations based on 100 photographs.

Finally, "Hogar" expands photography by incorporating it into a domestic installation also projected in the exhibition space.

Dommun challenges conventions, redefining the medium in image creation.


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How to Cite
Corrales, P. (2023). Dommun. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 9(16), 222–227.
Author Biography

Pamela Corrales, No affiliation

Photographer/Engineer. Master's in Author Photography from EFTI, Madrid - Spain. She has participated in various festivals such as the VI Festival FotoArica (Arica - Cl) and the X FIFV (Valparaíso - Cl). Her work has been exhibited collectively in Spain, Mexico, Chile, Italy, and Ecuador.

She defines her work as an exploration of the photographic process for the creation of images. Her projects originate from personal experiences that, through strict procedures, are digested and analyzed until they transform into abstractions of often philosophical concepts such as wu-wei (effortlessness), wu-you (egolessness), wabi-sabi, among others.


Dubois, P. (1983). El acto fotográfico. De la representación a la recepción. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós.

Frizot, M. (2008). El imaginario fotográfico. Oxaca: Ediciones.

Krauss, R. (2002). Lo fotográfico. Por una teoría de los desplazamientos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Perec, G. (2004). Especie de espacios. Barcelona: Editorial El Viejo Topo.

Sontag, S. (1981). Sobre la fotografía. Barcelona: Edhasa.

Benjamin, W. (2004). Sobre la fotografía. Valencia: Pre Textos.

Brea, J. (2010) Las tres eras de la imagen, Imagen, Materia, Film, E-image. Madrid: Akal /Estudios Visuales.